Please See below for the Port Orchard Marina STYC assigned area.
We have 20 slips. Please take whichever Highlighted slip is available & pay the marina upon your arrival. Thank you!

2025 Port Orchard Marina
Bacon & Bourbon Extravaganza !!
Please join us Saturday March 29th for our famous sought after STYC Bacon & Bourbon overnight cruise. This year we will be going to Port Orchard, a relatively new location for us. Share all your mama’s priceless family Bacon & Bourbon recipes/concoctions. We have use of their 3-sided shelter (& 2 heating elements) at the end of their dock to display all your hard cooked fabulous recipes buffet-style. STYC will provide 2 bottles of bourbon.
Please bring your Bacon and/or Bourbon Potluck dish, your own plate/eating/serving utensils, a Cup, and your fav bourbon mixer. Happy Hour begins at 5 pm, so please have your dish ready to present on the buffet table by then. All lanterns & lights will be very helpful. Musical instruments are always welcomed.
If you would like a option to use a bbq grill pls ping Kristina.
This event will have a Waitlist. Cancellations closer to the event date will enable waitlisted boats to automatically upgrade in chronological order onto the "Go" list. Each upgrade will be notified by email.
To Register:
STYC standby: Ch #72 Port Orchard Marina Ph: 360-876-5535, Ch #66
Overnight fee: 40 ft slip = $40 Over 40ft - add $1 per foot
Please pay the Port Orchard Marina directly for your moorage.
Bremerton-Port Orchard foot ferry runs every 1/2 hour - $2 each way
** Stay tuned for further UPDATES !!
Kristina Southard, STYC Cruise Director