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Welcome to truly introverted racing! This race is for singlehanded racers only. It begins and ends off Shilshole. It is a reverse start race, with the a boat with a PHRF-NW rating of 250 starting at 11 am. The long course is around Spring Beach and West Point buoys, and the short course is around Meadow Point and West Point. There are separate divisions for flying sails and nonflying sails. Self-steering devices are welcome to join you, and you must wear a PDF and safety harness with a tether at all times while racing. Bring all your friends to join us at the Sloop Tavern afterwards for awards and socializing. 

Register for Singlehanded Race


© Sloop Tavern Yacht Club
Sloop Tavern Yacht Club is a 501(c)7 non-profit organization.

2442 NW Market St #94 | Seattle, WA 98107

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